Friday, March 5, 2010

Mudville U.S.A.

Pin It With the warm weather we are experiencing the high 30's and low 40's our property turns into Mudville U.S.A. I took the long walk up to the mailbox today and could not resist showing you what we have to deal with every spring when the snow begins to melt...and it has just started!

Coming up to the old farmhouse we have on the property.

We have had to begin wiping all the animals feet when they come in from outside.

Not fun!

The grass is beginning to show in some places....looks promising!

There is still much snow to melt so this will be a looooong process.

But when I begin to see grass, I get excited. I dream of flowers and gardening.

The only damage from this winter that I can see so far is this old shed that is located across the highway from us....apparently the roof didn't make it. No one lives on that land anymore but I think they do store some things in there.
We will evaluate all the buildings as the days go by and see what damage will have to be repaired before the next winter hits but I don't even want to think about more snow right now! I want to enjoy the changing of the seasons...which we really experience here and love so much.
No robins have been seen yet...but hopefully they will return soon and then we will know that Spring has officially arrived!
Have a great weekend everyone and remember to give your loved ones a hug! =)


  1. That looks wet and sloppy, and looks like that is what you will have for a little while yet.
    The upside is Spring and warmer weather is on its way :0)
    Have a good weekend

  2. I bet you are glad for the changing season. I have never experienced snow, so can't imagine what it is like. I look forward to seeing future posts of a different looking homestead without the snow. Hope you haven't suffered too much damage to your buildings.

    The weather is cooling off here, today is the first cool day in a long time so I am going to enjoy it. No rain though. I like the cooler weather but not the flu's and sickness that go with it. Can't have it all our own way I guess. We have mild winters here, sometimes we get occasional frosts (which is the closest we get to snow).

    Have a great weekend,

  3. We have had temps in the 50's! The snow has pretty much melted and the grass is showing!
    I saw a female cardinal this morning. Didn't have time to get the camera though. :(

    Have a great weekend!


  4. Soon enough the snow will all be gone and we'll all be spending all of our time outdoors!


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