Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter!

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May you have a very Happy Easter.  Remember to give your loved ones a hug!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Saturday's Snaps

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Snow, snow go away.....come back some other day....hopefully in NOVEMBER!

Have a wonderful holiday weekend and remember to give your loved ones a hug!

Friday, March 29, 2013

Good Friday

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Father, forgive them....
for they know not what they do.
Wishing you and yours a Blessed Good Friday.  Remember to give your loved ones a hug.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Three Pin Thursday

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It's time again for "Three Pin Thursday"!  This is when I post three of my favorite pins from Pinterest ..... one of my favorite websites!
This week's focus will be Easter!  My top three include .....
Isn't this just adorable?  If I would have found it earlier on Pinterest, I would have made one for myself.  Unfortunately I just found it the other day and since the grass won't grow that fast, it will have to wait until next year.  Although there is no link, the creator did leave this description.....
Plant an Easter Garden! Using potting soil, a tiny buried flower pot for the tomb, shade grass seed, and crosses we made from twigs. Sprinkle grass seed generously on top of dirt, keep moistened using a spray water bottle. Spritz it several times a day. Set it in a warm sunny location. Sprouts in 7-10 days so plan ahead. On Good Friday, put a little Lego Jesus inside and slide rock to seal tomb. On Sunday the tomb is EMPTY! He is Risen! He is Risen indeed!
Plant an Easter Garden! Using potting soil, a tiny buried flower pot for the tomb, shade grass seed, and crosses we made from twigs.  Sprinkle grass seed generously on top of dirt, keep moistened using a spray water bottle.  Spritz it several times a day. Set it in a warm sunny location.  Sprouts in 7-10 days so plan ahead. On Good Friday, put a little lego Jesus inside and slide rock to seal tomb.  On Sunday the tomb is EMPTY! He is Risen! He is Risen indeed!
photo credit
Next up ..... these cute bunnies made from wooden candlesticks.  I am going to have to watch for some at yard sales this year!  If you look at the link, you will see, she even added a pom pom tail to the back!
Easter Bunny's made from posts.
And last but not least ..... I think this is the best idea for egg salad anywhere!  Look at these?!  Quite easy and so perfect for the Easter table.
Egg Salad Stuffed Carrot Crescents
Happy pinning and remember to give your loved ones a hug!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Paper Carrots

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Decorating for Easter has kind of slipped by the wayside this year.  The holiday really did sneak up on me!  Searching around Pinterest, I found quite a few crafts that could be made quickly just in time for the big day.
There was this pin but of course there was no link to the actual directions.  Grrrr, I hate when that happens!  I like to credit the creator and I am unable to do that when there is no link. 
Anyhow, I decided to dig out some old wallpaper stock I had in my stash.
Finding some that was suitable to make carrots, I trimmed the wallpaper to the desired size (actually once they were all glued, they turned out bigger than expected!) and using my hot glue gun, I glued up the sides.

Trimming the top, I used a paper hole punch and evenly spaced holes around the top of each carrot.  Then I cut some green yarn, folded it in half, fed it through the holes and pulled the end through the loop and pulled until snug.
Adding green fake grass, I filled with candy and they are ready to go.
Happy crafting and remember to give your loved ones a hug! 

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Chats on the Farmhouse Porch

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Happy Tuesday and welcome to 'Chats on the Farmhouse Porch!'  This is when I join Patrice and the other lovely ladies at Everyday Ruralty, have a cup of coffee and chat the morning away.  Won't you join us?  Remember, my questions are always a week behind the others!  This week Patrice took questions from her readers.

1.  Furry Bottoms asks:  Did you grow up in a small town, or a big town?  Did you like it?
2.  Lisa wants to know:  IF you could pick one song to hear for the rest of your life, what would it be?
3.  Karen asks:  What are your pet peeves?
4.  Colletta says:  Do you remember your dreams?  Are they in color or black and white?  What is the craziest dream you've ever had?
5.  Rachel asks:  What is the perfect pair of shoes for you?

    Everyday Ruralty
    1.  I loved growing up in a small town.  When we weren't at home, we were at my Grandma's or Auntie's farm.  It was great growing up that way!
    2.  I couldn't pick just ONE song.  I love all types of music and change it up regularly whenever my mood changes so I couldn't pick just one.
    3.  As Patrice said last week laziness.  That's a big one as well as procrastination. 
    4.  I never remember my dreams so I could never tell you what my craziest one was!
    5.  Perfect pair? None.  Once the weather has turned warm enough, I run around bare footed and LOVE it!
    I am so glad you stopped by for a chat!  If you would like to see what the other ladies are up to, stop on over at Patrice's.  They are always happy to welcome more!  Have a wonderful Tuesday and remember to give your loved ones a hug!

Monday, March 25, 2013

Looky What Was in My Mailbox!

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I am so excited!  Looky at what was in my mailbox this morning.  Everyday I visit one of my favorite bloggers, Cath, over at Bit's and Bobs  Cath lives in Australia and she is currently having a 12 point giveaway. 

Each time you comment on her blog, your name is entered into her giveaway.  She draws once a month, hence the name 12 point giveaway!

Well I won the February giveaway!!! I comment anyway as I have been following Cath for years now but what a surprise when I saw my name was posted as last months winner. 

It was such a pleasure to see the envelope in the mailbox especially since we still have quite a bit of snow on the ground.

The package included a beautiful eighth of fabric, 4 adorable wooden being a cat!  Woo hoo and two homemade gift tags.

I LOVE them Cath!  Thank you so much.  It took awhile to cross the Atlantic but it was worth the wait. 

Why not pop on over to Cath's, say hi and admire her beautiful quilts that she works on.  She is a true artist with the needle and thread.  Your name just might be drawn next!  Again, thank you Cath and remember to give your loved ones a hug!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Sunday's Blessings

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this week I loved the .....
smell of :  a spring equinox bonfire
sound of :  my sewing machine a humming
taste of :  lemon bars
sight of :  a later sunset each day
feel of :  my body finally adjusted to daylight savings time change
this week I am thankful for :
-  spring break
someone available to plow us out after our plow truck died
- a new course starting tomorrow
 Have a Blessed Sunday and remember to give your loved ones a hug! 

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Saturday's Snaps

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Sorry but this is all we have been seeing for a while!
Hope you are enjoying sunshine wherever you are and remember to give your loved ones a hug!

Friday, March 22, 2013

I've Been Busy

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I have always loved learning something new.  I try to read, listen to, watch for anything everyday that will teach me something that I didn't know before.  Taking classes or courses are fun for me.  Considering them almost a hobby but that hobby can become very expensive after a while!
Then a friend told me about this site.  It is called Coursera.  They have a continual selection of university or college classes that ANYONE can take!!!  That is just up my alley.  The BEST part is that they are FREE!  All FREE!!

62 Universities Have Partnered With Coursera

Berklee College of Music                                                    Brown University
California Institute of Technology                                      California Institute of the Arts
Case Western Reserve University                                       Columbia University
Curtis Institute of Music                                                      Duke University
École Polytechnique                                                            École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
Emory University                                                                Georgia Institute of Technology
Hebrew University of Jerusalem                                         IE Business School
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai                          Johns Hopkins University
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München                       National Taiwan University
National University of Singapore                                       Northwestern University
Ohio State University                                                         Pennsylvania State University
Princeton University                                                           Rice University
Rutgers University                                                              Sapienza University of Rome
Stanford University                                                             Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Tecnológico de Monterrey                                                 The Chinese University of Hong Kong
The University of Edinburgh                                      
Universiteit Leiden                                                              University of California, Irvine
University of California, San Diego                                    University of California, San Francisco
University of California, Santa Cruz                                   University of Colorado Boulder
University of Copenhagen                                                   University of Florida
University of Geneva                                                          University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
University of Maryland, College Park                                 University of Melbourne
University of Michigan                                                        University of Minnesota
University of Pennsylvania                                                  University of Pittsburgh
University of Rochester                                                       University of Toronto
University of Virginia                                                          University of Washington
University of Wisconsin–Madison                                       Vanderbilt University
As a student, you do not have to live in the United States.  You can live anywhere in the world.  The only requirements are an internet connection, your time and your desire to learn.  These free classes do not count towards a degree and you will not earn 'credits' but you do receive a 'Statement of Accomplishment' certificate after you successfully complete a course. 
Once I browsed through the available classes, I chose a few that interested me but also did not overlap.  Working and running a household take up quite a bit of my time, not to mention my love for crafting.  So far I have chosen four classes that run consecutively until the middle of July.  Each class is unique in terms of length, workload, professors and schools. 
I am currently taking the class "Aboriginal Worldviews and Education" through the University of Toronto.  Amazingly there are 21, 392 people taking this class.  Yes, 21,392!!!!  The discussion forums take up a lot of my time as I find reading everyone's posts from all over the world to be extremely interesting.  The class has been such a positive learning experience and I am enjoying it immensely.  This class ends on Monday and my next class starts a week later.  I can't wait!
If you love learning new things, take a peek at the website.  You might be surprised at what classes they offer.  I am having a BLAST!  If you do sign up for a class, let me know.  I would love to hear what you are taking.   Enjoy and remember to give your loved ones a hug! 

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Now That We Are Into Our Second Day....

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Where is it?  Spring I mean.

Mother Nature has been a little nasty this year.  Either that or we have been spoiled in years past.  I am not sure which one it is. 

I remember as a child having snow well until May and actually I remember one year on April 30th celebrating with my brother and his wife on my brother's birthday while we barbequed steaks in a snow storm! 

photo credit

So maybe we have just been spoiled in the last few years and it seems that spring is taking a long time to get here.

photo credit

Whichever it is, I hope to see snow melting, robins returning and green grass soon.

Did you do anything special on the first day of spring?  I hope you enjoyed the day, some sunshine and warm temperatures! Remember to give your loved ones a hug!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

What to Do When the Snow Won't Stop

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Another winter storm moved in the other day which buried us again in more snow so the only thing I could think of to do that would lift my spirits was fabric ..... and lots of it.

Watching the snow swirl out the windows yesterday, I chose some greens .... that reminded me of green grass (I hope we see some this year!) and a couple of flowered prints.  Digging out my rotary cutting blade, I  got to work slicing.  Slicing for a rag lap quilt.  I figured that if I started a quilt this late in the year, spring would surely come and it would then end up in the UFO basket where it would sit until fall.  That's okay though this time, as it would mean that spring had arrived!

Since I didn't have any medium weight batting on hand and I didn't want to head out in the snow, I found an old flannel flat sheet that once belonged to a set.  The fitted sheet had long since retired to the rag bag so I decided it would be a perfect replacement.

I spent the afternoon measuring and cutting 6 inch cotton squares and 4 inch batting squares.  I chatted with hubby as I cut since he decided it was the perfect day to bake some homemade bread ..... go for it my dear!

Finishing up all the cutting after a couple of hours, I set to work with the sewing.  That didn't last long however, as after a dozen or so squares, I realized it was time to get dinner started. 

Well at least everything is cut and ready to go.  I even had time to plan the layout on a grid.  I am sure I will finish it before all this snow melts.  That will be a while, I think!

Have a wonderful day and remember to give your loved ones a hug!

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