Thursday, May 31, 2012

Thrifty Thursday

Pin It My the weeks fly by!  It is Thrifty Thursday!

This little clay statue was found by my Mom for 50 cents.  My Mom was drawn to her from across the room where the yard sale was held and just had to have her.  If any one has seen anything like this or knows anything about such a statue, could you please drop me a line....we find her fascinating.  Thank you!

Next up.... a cute little wooden rooster I found.  I just love how he sits on the edge of a shelf and his cute little yellow legs hang over the edge.  He was only 25 cents and will look adorable when added to my collection at home.

Looking forward to hitting the sales again this weekend!

Remember to give your loved ones a hug.  Have a great day!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Another Cowl

Pin It Although it is the middle of May, the temperatures lately have been so chilly, it feels almost like fall is in the air!

With this chiller weather, I have felt like picking up the knitting needles and doing some more work on cowls.  I don't mind having the yarn sit on my lap when we have the rainy cool temperatures and this way they will be done and ready to wear once the real autumn rolls around!

I have been trying to use up my stash of fabric, my stash of craft supplies and my stash of yarn.  Sometimes we can get a little bogged down by enough projects that will last well past death!

Starting this cowl a while ago, I felt the need to pick it up again and finish it.  I have to say it is a very easy pattern and in no time I was casting off.  I used yarn from the stash and although I liked how the variegation worked out at the top of the cowl, I am not sure about the lower half......the colors tended to gather in 'blocks' as you can see.  

Oh well, I can at least say that this is another UFO completed and if all else fails, I can wear it around the farm!  Oh gosh, I really need to update my Ravelry page!

I do think I will make another with yarn that would be better suited to this project.  What can I finish up now while the rain won't quit?

Remember to give your loved ones a hug!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Tuesday's Tip

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Do you sip or drink coffee all day long like I do?  It is one of my bad habits.  A pot of coffee is made in the morning and I sip it throughout the day.  I am the only one who drinks it so It sits on the warmer or in the thermos, waiting for me to grab another cup.  

Do you ever notice if coffee sits too long it begins to get bitter?  Well my Mom taught me a trick to keep that from happening.......the secret ingredient?


When you make your coffee in the morning, sprinkle a bit of salt on the grounds before you brew it and you will never have bitter coffee no matter how long it sits there.

Remember to give your loved ones a hug!

Monday, May 28, 2012

Happy Memorial Day!

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to all my American family and friends..... via Farrah Simon

have a safe Memorial Day!

lest we forget

Remember to give your loved ones a hug!  

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Sunday's Blessings

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this week I loved the .....

Smell of:  lemons

Sound of: silence

Taste of:  iced tea

Sight of:  lightning

Feel of:  warm rain

things I am thankful for this week ....

-  my family

-  fast mail delivery

- my days off

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Saturday's Snaps

Pin It Sharing some photos of the area around my Mom's home.

Remember to have a great weekend and give your loved ones a hug!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Fiddling around on Friday

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The day was sunny and bright yesterday....just perfect so I thought I'd fiddle around my Mom's yard and get some things done.

She lives in a small town and I always joke with her that her yard is the size of a postage least it seems like that compared to our 20 acres!

She needed a new lawnmower so we had picked one up and I had the job of putting it together....

for those men who might be reading this.....NO, there was no oil or gas in the new mower yet!  LOL

I gathered some tools.....well what tools my Mom happened to have.  Luckily she had a vise grip and a pair of pliers!

Notice the phone is right there just in case I have to give hubby a quick call for an explanation!  LOL

Sir Humphrey, my Mom's cat laid back in the shade and I could have sworn I heard him chuckle a few times while watching me fight with the mower.

Done!  Now on to the next project....

My Mom has a real cool bike.  It is an electric bike.  It runs by battery and she can travel 35 mph with it!  It helps her to get around without a vehicle but as you can see she has worn out her bike seat!!!!

Well she picked up a brand new one at a yard sale last was still in the package for $3.00 and it was a Schwinn seat which is the brand of her bike!

Changing the seats was easy peasy compared to the lawnmower and in a matter of minutes, it was done.

It is a wide seat to accommodate her wide butt (according to her!) and it fits the bike perfectly.  

Pretty cool bike, isn't it?  Now where is that glass of iced tea?!

Remember to give your loved ones a hug!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Thrifty Thursday

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It's Thrifty Thursday!

Gardening, gardening, gardening....that is the theme today.  

A cute wooden girl to watch over the flowers ...... she was only 25 cents ,,,,

and at one yard sale, a cute little old lady was selling perennial flowers for $1.00 a piece ..... score!!!!

I am loving the yard sales here!!!

Remember to give your loved ones a hug!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

A Quick Lunch Bag

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Lunch time....I needed a new lunch bag to take with me to work so I searched around the web looking for inspiration.

I ran across a few ideas that I liked but of course I have to put my own stamp on it so here is how the lunch bag transpired ..... looking through a TON of websites I found this and I liked the concept.  I have been using a plastic grocery bag anyway so why not sew a re-usable one?

I chose a Waverly fabric that was quite heavy and it matched another heavy fabric I had in my stash. Adding some buttons and trim that I had just gotten free from a yard sale on Thursday, I was ready to tackle the project.

Please do not ask me how I made it.....I really could not tell you step by step.  LOL

Using the grocery bag as a template, I cut two pieces of the print and two pieces of the lining.  

It seemed to be going well so I thought I would add a pocket.

Next I sewed the pocket to the outside fabric before I sewed the lining in.

I had to think and re-think how to flip the fabric so it would be lined yet the straps be finished off properly.

I did not follow the pattern that the link supplied, making it up as I went along seemed to be the best for me.  

Then as I said earlier, I added my own stamp,  

the buttons and trim.

I love how it turned out and it is totally washable!  

Loving that I can be self-sufficient and not have to run to the store to buy a lunch it uses up some of the stash that seems to multiply like bunny rabbits!

Remember to give your loved ones a hug!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Tuesday's Tip

Pin It Cats, dogs, do you have either?  Are they allowed on the furniture?  Mine are ..... except our dog Mom's are as well.....she has two cats.....and since I am staying with her for a while due to a family emergency, I had to show her my trick to remove the dreaded cat hair from upholstered furniture.

                              To remove pet hair from furniture and pillows, dampen 
                              a sponge with a solution of warm water and glycerin or
                              just use water.  Squeeze the sponge thoroughly and
                              lightly brush over furniture.

If you have pets, you probably already know this trick....but just in case, I thought I would mention it.

So go ahead, let those furry beasts on the sofa or easy chair if you like, the fur can be removed quite easily and what could be better than a kitty or puppy cuddled on your lap while you read or watch television?

Please remember to give your loved ones a hug!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Happy Victoria Day!

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Today is Victoria Day in Canada which is the unofficial kick off to the end of winter and the beginning of the summer season.  

courtesy of google

Fishing season begins, cabins are re-opened after being closed up over the long winter, gardens are being planted, flower baskets are hung, picnic baskets and bbq's are brushed off......summer has begun!

friend's cabin

Today, I will spend working in the garden, sewing a bit and enjoying the sunshine. The kitties will sit by my side while I plant wishing the garden was their new litter box but the flowers will go in, the weeds pulled and the moth balls laid strategically between the plants .... luckily the kitties HATE those little white balls and will stay out.


Maybe a little BBQ later for dinner with some salad and a tall glass of iced tea to quench the thirst.  All in all, a day that I will celebrate alongside with our northern neighbors and friends.


If you are a Canadian (or in Great Britain) ...enjoy your holiday eh ,,,,, and give your loved ones a hug! 

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