Friday, April 13, 2012

The Need to Bead

Pin It I have been thinking of summer and the clothing I wear during the warm months.  I love the idea of sandals, shorts, tank tops, sundresses, the smell of sunscreen and tall glasses of iced tea that will soon be upon us.

While going through my summer accessories, I noticed that I was lacking some ankle Sbracelets and fun necklaces to wear with those tanks and sundresses.  So it's time to pull out the beads!

I found ALL my beads at Goodwill.  Whenever I visit that store, I watch for them.  Some days I hit the jackpot.  A few times I happened upon whole collections that were just placed on the shelves so I grabbed them up.  I am set for a loooong time as far as beading goes .... I predict well into retirement!  This is just a very, very small sampling of what I have.

Once in a blue moon, I get the inkling to make something with them ... they are all so pretty and sparkly but not too often.  I don't have any guilt though with it only being a casual craft since I didn't spend a fortune on the stash that I do have.

After a few hours of deciding on color combinations and clasps, I think I have a good start to a summer collection for 2012!  Hmmm, now maybe I need some new earrings.

Remember to give your loved ones a hug!


  1. Love your blog! New friend from Sew Many Ways :)

    1. Welcome Casey! I am so glad you stopped by. Hope you stop by again. :o)

  2. Oh, man, don't get me started thinking about beading again! :)

  3. Glad to learn I'm not the only one with far too much stuff in all kinds of hand-crafting-thingies. Know just what you mean; once a year, or two maybe, I get all the pretty colourd beads out and make nice blingy things, that I never wear, hang around and after a year (or two) take apart again and make something else with them... It's a vicious circle with me....
    Have fun beading!!! (think I will see what nice beads I've got ;-D )

    1. I never thought of taking ones apart and re-using the beads Bianca! What a great idea!

  4. It's fun to have new things, and you are lucky to be so talented to make your own. Saves a fortune! I found your blog through Sew Many Ways...we follow a few of the same blogs. Used to have a farm ourselves, and hope to again some day soon!

    1. Thanks for stopping by Becky! Hope to see you again.


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